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P.O. Box 715
Winchester, TN 37398
Or send us a message
we'll follow up with all the ways you can support WCA.
Parents/Guardians/Caregivers are asked to prescreen at home for all illnesses including COVID. Any student displaying symptoms of a fever of 100 or more without fever reducing medicine OR irregular respiratory symptoms (coughing, difficulty breathing, etc.) should not be brought to school.
Faculty/Staff, likewise, are advised to stay at home if displaying symptoms of a fever of 100 or more without fever reducing medicine OR irregular respiratory symptoms (coughing, difficulty breathing, etc.)
1. Procedures for a WCA student/faculty/staff member who has tested positive for COVID-19:
2. Procedures for a WCA student/faculty/staff member with someone in their household who has tested positive for COVID-19:
3. Procedures for a WCA student/faculty/staff member who is exposed to someone who has tested positive test for COVID-19:
All sports teams/events will follow the current/updated TSSAA guidelines.
In the event of changes, these guidelines are subject to modification throughout the year.